Fat Dissolving Treatment
By Sarah Badger Advanced Aesthetics Nurse Prescriber
Fat Dissolving Treatment
Do you have stubborn pockets of fat that just don’t seem to reduce despite healthy eating and exercise?
YES! – then this treatment is for you!
Welcome to Sarah Badger Aesthetics, you've come to the right place...
How does it work?
So; this is an injectable treatment, a substance called Deoxycholic Acid is injected into the pocket of fat. This acid is naturally found in our bodies to digest the fats we eat. When injected it destroys the outer membrane of the fat cell, allowing your body to absorb it and flush it out naturally. Once the fat cell is destroyed, fat can no longer accumulate in the area.
What areas can be treated?
Double chin
Upper abdomen
Lower abdomen
Love handles
Inner thighs
Inner knees
What does the treatment involve? After a full consultation, medical history and consent, the area will be cleaned and marked out with pencil. Once we are both happy with the area to be treated some ‘before photos’ will be taken, these photos allow us to monitor your progress and will only be shared with your consent for advertising purposes (of course as anonymously as possible).
A series of injections will be carried out across the area, the injection has some local anaesthetic within it so it should be a relatively comfortable treatment. Once the injections are complete, the area is cleaned again and I will then massage the area firmly to make sure the product is evenly distributed throughout the targeted area and it can start its work breaking down the fat cells.
What can I expect after treatment? As with any injection treatment bruising is expected, you will also experience swelling and tenderness as the product works destroying the fat. Swelling and tenderness can last for around a week post treatment, but everyone responds differently.
After treatment, I will ask you to massage the area twice a day for the first 5 days, this encourages results. It’s also really important to drink plenty, at least 2 litres a day to flush out the destroyed cells. For the first 12 hours after treatment you must not put any kind of cosmetics on the treated area and stay away from direct exposure to heat, for example direct sunlight, sunbeds, saunas etc.
Avoiding alcohol, exercise and (non-essential) Ibuprofen and Aspirin for the first 24-48hrs will minimise bruising and increased swelling. Using a compression garment over the area for a few days can also reduce swelling and encourage results.

How many sessions will I need? You will start to see results after the first session (once the swelling has gone and the product has had a chance to dissolve the fat – around 4 weeks). For optimum results; anywhere between 2 and 5 sessions.
I will book you back in for a review appointment 4 weeks after your treatment so we can assess the result and see if another session is required (should you choose to have another session of course).
Are results permanent? Yes! Studies have shown that it is very unlikely* that fat would be able to gather in the treated area once all the fat cells have been destroyed. So as long as you fully treat the area with the required number of sessions, and maintain your healthy lifestyle; results should be permanent.
*Obviously, this is not 100% guaranteed as everyone responds differently to treatment, but clinical studies have shown great long term results.
What are the risks and side effects?
Common risks:
Tenderness/mild pain
Less common risks:
Allergic reactions
Nerve damage
Poor results
Severe pain
Am I suitable?
A full consultation will be carried out to assess your suitability but here are some reasons you may not be suitable for treatment;
Pregnant or breastfeeding
Allergies to the product ingredients
Autoimmune diseases
Skin conditions to the treatment area
Those on essential blood thinning medications
Those who have important social plans in the few weeks following treatment for example weddings, holidays or special occasions as the swelling/bruising may still be apparent
Those who are unable to follow the aftercare advice

Check they are a qualified Medical Professional..

Ask for proof they are insured to carry out the procedure.

Nurses and Midwives must be active on the NMC Register, you can check this on the NMC website, Doctors and Dentists have their own registers you can check.